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The legend of Saint George

Once upon a time there was a little village on the top of a big mountain.
The king and his daughter, the princess, lived in a beautiful castle near the village.
There was also a big green dragon. He lived in a cave, near the village he was very bad. He wanted to eat the princess.
The dragon was very hungry. He said to the princess:
-I'm hungry. I'm going to eat you!
-Help! Help! Saint George, help me please! I'm afraid of dragon.
And Saint George arrived with his white horse, holding a sword and a shield.
-Stop, bad dragon. I'm not afraid of you!
And... Sneak, snack, the dragon
was covered in blood.
And from the dragon's blood, a beautiful red rose was born. Saint George gave this rose to the princess.

La llegenda de Sant Jordi

Hi havia una vegada un petit poble al cim d’una gran muntanya.
El rei i la seva filla, la princesa, vivien en un bonic castell a prop del poble.
També hi havia un gran drac verd. Vivia en una cova, a prop del poble ell era molt dolent. Ell anava a menjar-se la princesa.
El drac tenia molta gana. Ell va dir a la Princesa:
-Tinc gana. Vaig a menjar-te!
-Ajuda! Ajuda! Sant Jordi, ajudem si us plau! Tinc por del drac.
I Sant Jordi va arribar amb el seu cavall blanc, portant una espasa i un escut.
-Aturat, drac malvat. Jo no et tinc por!
I ... "Sneak, snack", el drac va estar cobert de sang.
I de la sang del drac, una bonica rosa vermella va néixer.
Sant Jordi va donar aquesta rosa a la princesa.